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Good advice. Have a great weekend!

Oh god I love you Kate Spade


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I grew these carrots  especially for this Indian Carrot Salad by Jamie Oliver when I saw it last year on Jamie at Home

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. I just hope I have enough carrots for it.  These carrots also inspired this particular illustration:


I am always tickled by the orange interior of purple carrots.

Veggie explosion 2009


Okay, viagra usa remedy so maybe “explosion” is not the most apropriate descriptor for a bean, viagra sale a carrot and three tomatoes, but I have a feeling this is about as much as I am going to get this year.  Which is cool. It’s a learning experience right? And I have learned that my garden is in the wrong part of the yard, something I hope to rectify over the fall/winter.

I love the carrot. It’s a Parisian Market and I think it’s so adorable, all plump and squat. I had grand plans to make Dilly Beans with all of the beans I was going to harvest…but…I fought an epic battle against slimy foes who staged repeated assaults against my tender leaves

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. I ended up winning the war, but sustained heavy collateral damage. I think I got about five beans total. Which was still pretty exciting.



I found another set of flute playing pig salt and pepper shakers yesterday (the guys with the yellow flutes.) I thought it was so odd. They look like they are from different molds as my original pigs have sharper sculpted features. Nothing on the bottom to indicate origin although I am going guess that they were made in Japan. I didn’t intend to collect these, cialis sale try but I guess this is how collections start. The compulsion to acquire suddenly flares up and before you know it you have purchased two more sets (thank you internet!) This will be enough I think. I like to have at least three of something, capsule but I have to exercise some self control because I do NOT want to turn into crazy totchke lady.


Okay, so…another pig. I am not collecting pigs I promise. I did go into the flea market with the intent of buying something funky to put Q-tips and cotton balls in. And I do admit that I was looking particularly for either small white ceramic/glass vessels or something with a face on it.  I found a lot of really expensive mugs with old men who looked like sailors and then in a corner of a locked cabinet I found this guy.  It says “Made in Japan” on the bottom. I really like that he does not have a handle and is quite an ugly little bugger so he fit the bill completely

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