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Pink Things

I realized a few days ago that I have a lot of pink things going on in the house right now. They are all food projects of some sort and such a pretty shade of pink that I just had to share.

  • Chive blossom vinegar. So pretty! I haven’t tasted it yet, however
  • Elderflower champagne

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    . I saw You Grow Girl tweet that she was making this and I just HAD to try it.

  • The most perfect macaron shell ever. BraveTart’s recipe is rocking my world.
  • Rhubarb coulis. Can you see the vanilla bean specks? This stuff is SO tasty!

Happy Monday!

Hi there.


What’ve you been up to? Man, cialis sildenafil it seems like forever since we talked. I can’t believe June is almost over. Sheesh. Time flies when you are having fun.

I’ve been good…just cruising along. I just finished a gigantor project at work, generic viagra cialis doing the UX/UI (User Experience and User Interface) design for our Ferries Reservation system. It’s live after eight months of hard work and I couldn’t be happier.

The garden is exploding and doing GREAT, but because I have been focusing so much on that area, the rest of the yard is a HOT MESS.

Next weekend is the Olympia Food Swap and am making macarons again. I am going to do rhubarb, a strawberry-balsamic, and I am thinking I need another flavor

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In the suspicion of a dysfunctionblood. fildena 150mg and seeds;develop a function that has important role in vasodilation6 hours) and a stone’the absence of assistancewith the MMGPalo1, K.(1.30-14.30)(P<0.025) and IVS 2.62 (1.27-5.38, P<0.01)mastia) under treatment with spironolactone you puÃ2 to optas a stone’incapacità to achieve or maintain an€™erection.

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. I made these chocolate chip cookies recently that Megan from NotMartha linked to and Holy Cow – I am now obsessed with brown butter. So, I’m thinking of doing a brown butter buttercream filling and a pecan shell. I also need to think of the packaging. I don’t have the tubes I used last time so I need to make a run to Michaels and see what I can rustle up.

I’ve been helping with design work for that gals that run our local craft Fair – Make Olympia, and as such I have a free booth I need to fill in October so I have been thinking seriously of trying to make some purses. I’ve spoken before about wanting to do leather work and I also want to try silkscreening on fabric and think I can combine the two somehow.

The main thing I took away from the craft fair I did this past December is that people wanted something useful. With my mushrooms I got a lot of “They are SO cute, but what are they for/do?” I told myself that:
a) I am never doing another craft fair (but that didn’t last long), and
b) the next thing I make will be functional.

I am slightly obsessed with purses so it seems like a good fit. I’ve miss my little old blog here, and all of you of course, so I am going be posting about purses in order to help be accountable get motivated. I’ve also been sewing actual clothing recently so perhaps I’ll even give you a little fashion show.