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Accessorizing the Bathroom

Now that the tile is up, discount viagra prescription and the grouting is done I can almost start to think about all of that extra little fun stuff to add to the bathroom

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. These are my super wishlist items, cialis canada not very practical (cabinet knobs aside) but that’s why it’s called a wishlist, right?

  1. This beautiful glass nest from HeatherHeather, for cotton balls perhaps? So pretty, via Sunset magazine.
  2. Hanging Air Plant Pod by Mudpuppy– I have seen these everywhere and I love love love them. Perfect for my bathroom.
  3. Tissue holder! From Uncommon Goods
  4. I think these are the cabinet knobs I am going to get. I have been looking EVERYWHERE for something perfect and I am not finding it. I keep coming back to these Anthropologie knobs, so I think I just need to get them already.
  5. A Glassybabby votive. These are made locally (well, Seattle) and they are so beautiful. I think pretty much any one of these colors would work just beautifully.

The grouting is done

An Angel’s chorus sings “Hallelujah!” as the GROUTING! IS! DONE! And, best cialis unhealthy to repeat the wise words of Nothing But Bonfires, decease “Grouting can go to hell.” I read that before I started grouting and, oh Lordy, grouting totally sucks ass. My arm/hand is killing me

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. I wish I had a better “before” picture so you could get the horror of the moldy grotesque shower doors, but it completely slipped my mind until my Dad started the demolition. I think you can, however, get the overall griminess of the old bathroom. I had forgotten how bad it was until I looked at this picture. Gross. There is so, so, so much more to do, but I am SO freaking glad this part of it is done. Time for a cocktail!

More bedroom inspiration

I love the color scheme in this photo and am thinking of using it as inspiration for my bedroom makeover along with the hotel room at The Nines in Portland. I even have some prints that are sort of similar to the one in the photo. And while I am procrastinating grouting the bathroom tile, viagra usa ailment I have found a few upholstered headboard references that I can comeback to when I am ready:

  • Design*Sponges upholstered otomi headboard
  • Boudoir Glam’s tufted headboard tutorial from Green Your Decor
  • DIY Large Statement Headboard from All Things Thrifty via Apartment Therapy. I freaking LOVE this

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    . I am wondering what it would look like if instead of using the patterned fabric, putting one tufted button in the center of each “tile”.