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I ripped a photo of a little sweater out of an Anthropologie catalog a few years ago because it looked like it would be such a sinch to knit

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. I even tried to figure it out myself once with moderate success, but these things are best left to those who know better, and not to sort of knitters like me.

I love knitting with thick yarn on large needles. Things get done much quicker and that is an added bonus to one-who-loses-focus-and-gets-bored-easily. This is also my first experience with the yarn over style raglan, which creates the decorative holes. Me likey.

Jamie Magazine

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Seed catalogs – Check
Favorite Gardening books – Check and Check
Farmer’s Almanac – Check
Cute notebook for garden notes – Check
Post-it flags for marking pages – Check
Highlighter – Check
Newly resolved determination that this year I will give the garden my full attention and not peter out half-way through and forget to water things as per usual  – Check

Well then….I think I am ready.