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Lemon Cupcakes

There has been a lack of activity around these parts and the reason is that I have been sucked into the Stephanie Plum Number books by Janet Evanovich. When I read, cialis cheap I READ and do absolutely nothing else

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. I’m on book fourteen out of eighteen so I should be done by the end of the week and back to my regularly scheduled program.

One thing I want to tackle is finding the perfect, viagra usa basic cake recipe. I made these lemon cupcakes this past weekend and the cake was SO dense and dry…I didn’t much care for the frosting either – too gooey. The lemon curd, however, was awesome. I am going to go all crazy and try to make a gigantic batch and can it.

I’ve been wanting to make this Ultimate Vanilla Cupcake recipe by The Cupcake Project for a long time so I think it will be a good place to start. I also want to explore the vegan cupcake arena, as I have found they are soooo moist and delicious and irresistible.

I’ll also need to figure out a better basic frosting as well. I’ve tried the magic flour one and while the texture is awesome, I felt like I could *taste* the flour. Blech. I think it’ll end up either being a swiss or italian buttercream. I don’t like overly sweet frostings and I don’t mind the fussiness involved with the bain-marie and sugar syrups. Yay! Cupcake Bandwagon!

Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

I have a coworker who love, love, loves snickerdoodles and as soon as I saw the Snickerdoodle cupcakes on Bakerella (via Pinterest), I knew exactly who to make these for. I used Martha Stewart recipe for the cupcakes and snickerdoodles and used this recipe for the frosting. It uses flour, like a roux, which I was really intrigued by and I just had to check it out. It’s very strange, but it’s really, really good.

I had never made snickerdoodles before and was aware that they have a tendency to spread, so I decided to use a trick I saw on TV on some food show and I froze the snickerdoodle balls before I baked them.

I also chilled the baking pan and put the balls on the pan while they were still frozen

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. Worked like a charm and they are so, so, tasty. I know I am like, five years late to this whole cupcake bandwagon, but I am totally hooked now.