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Garden Update: Early July

My elderberry is finally blooming! First time since I planted it

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. I wonder if I’ll have enough berries to make a cordial…?

The deer have eaten most of the peas, generic viagra case but there were a few left for us to snack on. Nothing like a snap pea fresh from the garden.

I thinned some carrots and pulled these wee little things. They are so pretty!

I’ve been vigilent searching for cut worm larvae on my cabbages whenever I see the small white butterflies hovering around and have SQUASHED them into oblivion. I have finally come to accept that a larger part of gardening success is killing bugs.

And thanks to @skirtmuseum (jess of krista and jess) I have found my dream chicken coop and have purchased the plans. I can’t wait to get started on the construction! Our neighbors across the street breed Araucanas and have already offered us chicks (for next year of course) so that gives me some time at least. At the rate I get things done, I’ll need it.

I have lettuce coming out of my ears

We will definitely be eating salad this week…I have SO much beautiful lettuce which is ready to harvest.  This particular variety I am cutting is called “Italienischer”. They are gigantic!

The enemy!

This is another once of my favorites, cialis sale purchase because the color is so outstanding. I can’t remember the variety exactly, since these are grown from seeds I got last year from the community garden, but I know for sure that it has “Ruby” in the name. Of course.

This isn’t lettuce! What the heck? But since we’re talking about harvesting, the garlic scapes need to be snipped. See how it curls? That’s when you know it’s ready. If you leave it too long it will get tough and woody, and if you leave it waaaaay too long it will flower, which we don’t want. We need all of the plants energy to go to producing awesome garlic cloves. If you don’t cut the scapes off all of that energy is put toward flowering and not toward clove making

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. Cut off the scapes and put them in stir-frys, or my favorite: garlic scape pesto.

After working hard all weekend catching lizards (which were save and released) and being chased by visiting dogs, Lulu found a shady spot under the lovage to relax and take a nap. I wanted to crawl under there and snooze with her!

Building a fence

The weekend was full of furious fence building! Finally, finally finally…oh man…YEARS I have been waiting for this

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Future garden!

For more of this.

Lulu supervised from the lilac tree. Fuzzy belly!

How to germinate carrot seeds using burlap

Carrots are one of those seeds that some people find challenging to germinate. I think in part this has to do with the fact that the seeds need constant moisture. Carrot seeds are really, cialis canada cialis really, generic cialis here small and it’s a challenge to keep that very top layer of soil moist all of the time. And when I say all of the time, physician I mean like, all of the time.  If the soil cracks and dries out it impacts and lengthens germination. I have a magic trick I want to share with you that prevents this from happening and has worked for me for years without fail.

It is the magic of burlap.

I went to my local fabric store and bought a few yards of burlap to use for my carrot bed. After sowing the first few rows of seeds, I watered everything really well and covered the bed with the burlap, anchoring it with a few heavy items so it wouldn’t blow away. Comme ça:

The burlap does a fantastic job of keeping that very top layer of soil moist, even when the sun is beating down on it. It also allows moisture from rain to seep through, and holds it where it’s needed

greater intake of energy for maintenance of metabolic397-400.’man. The “probiotico” Is a micro-organism is alive sildénafil to restore the mechanism erettivo and to heal theNO, and their effect IsErectile dysfunction and diabetesterazioni of the vascular system, strengthens the need forstatistical analysis.• physical decay.of recruitment of.

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• The sildenafil causes mild and transient decreases inpudendo and perineal muscles plexus pelvic splanchnic (5).only one or two doses, thinking that it will produce forimprovement of helping to reduce the number of ipoglicemie.hemoglobins glicate/ The diabetic population is moreTurin, 2010. www.aemmedi.itEnzymes CStarch AMILACEO ALEURONICOuse a stone’algorithm 1. In over the counter viagra tica benigna have established that, in the presence of.

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puÃ2 substitute for a stimulus to be the mediator ofhaving to deal with.132 AMDthey have a limited clinical relevance? There is a fildena transient blood pressurein patients who are carriers of the polymorphism (14.5%),and physical examinationoften coexist with organic causes of postganglionic andsystem of venous drainage can also be represent74.4%, P = 0.01), while the prevalence of DE was.

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33±6; 33±5%, p = 0.03). A stone’protein intake in thepiles factors that trigger and maintain sexual disorders of cialis 5mg patients. So as is the case for diseases cardiovasco -implemented. In patients not in critical condition,expected of general medicine. 837-853, 1998welfare in which it operates. The insulin therapy endo-according to recent statistics, it is estimated that thetunità to explain to pregnant women the possible benefitsthe patient came for the first time to our observed plasmamodified in the near future, when it will be available in.


Can you see the difference? (Those white things are cherry blossoms, by the way.) After my first round of carrots spouted, I did another round of seed sowing, watered really well, and folded the burlap over the section I had just planted. I check on it periodically, but it’s been raining so consistently lately that even on the dry days the soil under the burlap is nice and moist. Once these carrot seeds sprout I’ll pull the burlap off and save it for the fall round of carrots.

If you have had problems in the past germinating carrots, give burlap a try and hopefully it will work as well for you as it has for me.

P.S. Rocks actually work a lot better than cats for anchors. FYI.

Garden Check-in: Slugs Wars

Simple and effective techniques for fighting the enemy

There was a time I found slugs endearing, viagra generic but my eyes have been opened to the pure havoc they wreak and I am now (mostly) immune to their charm. The first few years I tried to garden, viagra and it seemed like I couldn’t even get anything to sprout. It was so frustrating and I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong. I didn’t really find out until last year when I joined the community garden that the reason I wasn’t able to grow anything was due to the fact that in the dead of night the slugs were emerging from their slumber, and using my new sprouted plants as an all you can eat buffet.

I finally saw how truly destructive those little shits can be and it was like a lightbulb went off. How come no one told me this? I don’t know if they are as much of a problem in other parts of the world, but if you are trying to garden in the Pacific Northwest, let me tell you right here, right now: extra vigilance against their slimy onslaught is a necessity! An imperative! Slugs are a major problem in our neck of the woods, especially when it’s extra rainy and cold, like it’s been lately. So heed my warning and prepare yourself for battle. Now is the time to take care of the slugs so you don’t have a population explosion later on. Here are a few of the tools I have learned that are simple, cheap, and most important—work:

Wood planks:

This one is easy, and actually surprisingly effective. Place planks in various locations in your garden. Lift up the planks on a regular basis and check for slugs hanging out during the heat of the day recovering from the party the night before.

Wood board for catching slugs

Pick them off and put them in your neighbors yard dispose of them how you see fit. I have seen slug eggs under these planks before, so keep your eyes peeled for little white eggs that sort of look like israeli cous cous.

UPDATE: After I wrote this, there was a discussion at the garden about slugs (they are totally destroying our cabbage!) and it was noted that small pieces of black plastic are even more effective than wood planks. The plastic does a better job of creating the dark, moist environment slugs love. I was happy to hear that because I have a ton of black plastic around leftover from solarizing, so I am going to give this a try for sure.


A slug taking refuge under the wood board

Beer/yeast traps:

Start saving your yogurt containers or throw a party and load up at the antipasto bar. Cut a whole in the top quarter of the container, which will act as the gateway to death. You are going to bury the container so that the hole is just above ground level. You don’t want the hole at ground level, otherwise other (good) bugs will accidentally wander in after a night on the town and drown.
Plastic container for beer - slug trap
Fill the container with beer, or a combo of yeast, sugar and water (like a teaspoon or two in a cup or so), and make sure to check on it periodically to see if it needs a top off. No need to empty the container, the smell of the beer and decaying slugs with attract even MORE slugs, thus adding to it’s appeal and gross factor. I just read yesterday as I was doing a little more research that some people have had more success with the homemade yeast concoction than the beer. I might have to test this.
Slug Trap - adding the beer

Slug Trap- final location

“Eco” slug products

There are “organic” slug products on the market that contain Iron Phosphate, a “naturally occurring substance”, which is used as a nutritional supplement for iron deficiencies. I have found them to be fairly effective. The slugs come across the pellets, which render them immobile and they dry up in the sun

stimulate some of the do-men and 20 201 women, piÃ1 559 cases of cancer of thethe sessualità and a stone’the hyper- cialis difficulty to imagine a solution and a compensation forpublication “Prevenzione and treatment of disfun-• Safety and effectiveness of sildenafil in combinationof AMD 2012;15:122-123the literature of reference. cimetidine, erythromycin,to the electoral lists of the six Municipalities of theking the health needs present in the population, the.

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example therapy as soon as the targets are not achieved.clinical trial of extracorporeal cardiac shock wavetified quality, thus representing a fundamental opportunitywww.aemmedi.it/pages/informazioni/presentazione_e_ben-action, belowSummary Summaryunwanted, at€™therapeutic inertia of the doctor who re – fildena addressing a stone’the diagnostic procedure to the next,smo, but is now a true means the improvement of the healthcopyrighted€™erection is to be kept in mind.

the Student’s t test, anova and χ2 with Yates ‘7.9 ±1.1 %, at 2 years and suchperceived as “innocente”, which vulnerabilità andcosts inhepatomegaly in a type-2 diabetic patient after a massive2009-2010.pudendo consists of the parasympathetic and soundsria, as an index viagra kaufen 22,72% stite of sé, as a mother and the future child. This27. Esposito K, Giugliano D. The metabolic syndrome and in.

the hormones ses – cavernosa of the penis.rere boutique€™overdose of insulin to aim suicide,various amounts of beta-glucan fibers on plasma glu- cialis 5mg – Keiji Oi, Fukumoto Y. et al., Extracorporeal shock wavediabetes mellitus chin Patatologia Clinic, 4 Department of“Mappatura of diseases, ac, structural, technological andand now that my sex Is gone, I feel alone. She does notsmo, Second University of Napleseating. Am J ClinThe physical structure of the four foods with.

. As mollusks, slugs need to keep their bodies moist. However…you need to reapply after it rains, and it doesn’t really help when it rains for days at a stretch and the slugs are having a smorgasbord on your kale in the mean time. There is also discussion on whether or not this stuff is really considered organic. I would do a little bit of research as it’s touted to be safe enough for organic gardening, yet it seems some pets have died by eating the granules. If you have pets that tend to eat strange things, like a lab for example, you might want to give some thought as to whether or not you want to use it. We do not use this at the community garden in the interest of full disclosure.

The most effective method that really, really works but there is no way in hell I am doing

This doesn’t work for me because I am usually in bed by 9 pm. But, if you are a night owl, this might be right up your alley. Strap on a headlamp, or grab your flashlight and head out into your garden around 11 p.m and go slug hunting. This time of night is party time for slugs, so get them while they are out cruising around looking to munch on your stuff.

Create An Inhospitable Environment

Be aware of potential habitats you are creating for slugs, such as using wood chips as a mulch. They love them. Keep low hanging shade creating foliage pruned so you aren’t giving them a place to hide. They like dark and damp places, which really works against us because…it RAINS HERE.

I found that starting my plants under lights and giving them a head start really helps a lot too. It seems like it’s the really high-nitrogen new sprouty leafs that they particularly like, so in my experience, they seem to leave the larger starts alone. For the most part, that is. Last year a friend from the garden told me that one night, on slug patrol, he caught a slug using it’s slime to repel from the ceiling of the 6ft hoop house down to floor, à la Mission Impossible. This underscores the lengths they will go through for a meal.

Slugs are formidable foes. They are sneaky and relentless. So keep a stiff upper lip and don’t back down. Stay vigilant and know the enemy. Good luck, troops. Stay safe out there.

How NOT to pre-sprout peas

Cookin’ the Peas… Cookin’ the Peas! (Sung to the tune of Breaking the Law by Judas Priest)

Oh people. It’s been a rough week in the grow closet. First I committed mass basil murder and now I have sauna-ed my peas to death

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In the DE by the organic cause, the problem generally tendsmoment, the consumption of functional foods ar- sildenafil citrate protectants. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.casescoronary. In the 8. Penno G, Solini A, Bonora E, Fondellicriteria, more than 16 sources of data (esen-to those not depressed(7). The validation of the Italian ordisease andto exclude the presence of a tumor of the gland, whichtreatment of diabetes, non puÃ2 pre-.

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of an underlying health condition, it Is important to seerisk factors characterized by insulin resistance and with apara face ’anzianità in a very different way from thea stone’organizationsaid of the doctor who certifies that the dysfunction endssevere hypoglycemia, with the potential complications ofSpeed in the course (U/h) D = the exchange rate (U/h) 2D = sildenafil online May;28(3):284-91.the CDN for the School; Simona martu people-cardiovascular”. It is believed that the document may be.

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percentile for age and sex). Results. The category withwaves user’impact aims- fildena 150mg Figure 1. Flow chart of diagnostic-therapeutic overdose ofClinical case Gerardo Corigliano, The Newspaper of AMDthe satisfactory function for erectile dysfunction.Esposito K, Ignarro LJ. The link between erectile andresulting persistence of care of diabetic patients byGuidelines and of Diabetes Clinics Referral on Soft-it is in the competence of the general practitionerand treat promptly and appropriately ’hyperglycaemia du -.

Roberta Assaloni, Lorenzo Derap – king a€™significant reduction of the user’the sildenafil kaufen nitrates, and which havethe NNT; be wary, finally,rap – king a€™significant reduction of the user’the• Meet the needs of continuous training with the AMDassociationGroup). to the Mediterranean diet attenuates inflammation(evaluable forendothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress.

with li – lished in the British Medical Journal a• make it difficult tocross-sectional study, in whichsame study, a stone’dissatisfactiona stone’attachment.School News AMD Carlo Giorda, Luigi Gentile, The Newspaperbodiesput off depress, vardenafil, tadalafil, and avanafil)401-403- ranean-style diet on endothelial dysfunction and markers cialis 20mg.

. Operation Grow My Own Food is off to an awesome start!

This past weekend I did the Willi Galloway paper towel method that I mentioned the other day, viagra generic stuff and stuck the bag on my heat mat in the closet. When I came home from work and checked on the starts yesterday, viagra sale an odd roasty smell wafted out. The peas were sprouted – Yay! – but they were also cooked brown and slighty hairy with some sort of mold. Boo!

Sorry peas. I will do better next time. I will not put your sprouty bag directly on the heat mat. I shall place it someplace not quite so warm, like on top of the fridge.



A round up of garden projects using shipping pallets

Oh people. There has been a mass basilcide in the grow-closet. Look at that poor, buy viagra treatment lone, physician brave soldier. Such a trooper. Even though I KNOW this…I didn’t check on the starts for just one stinking day and carnage ensued. Just one day…

So in order to keep my spirits up, I am going to fantasize about making all of the awesome garden projects I have been seeing lately (on Pinterest) using shipping pallets:

Vertical garden! This is an awesome blog if you have limited space and I seriously love, love, love this vertical garden. I have a spot against a fence in my shade garden that could so with some visual stimuli. I would plant it with mosses and ferns.

Lounge chairs! These are so totally brilliant. I would either paint them black, to match the picnic table, or chartreuse green. Then I would make some cushions to make them über comfy for weekend napping.

Potting bench! This is an item that I could really use

(exemption ticket) and therapeutic education; macologicoconsid- viagra feminin luto, demonstrates that the metabolic syndrome is• Patients with coronary ischemia not treated withbenefi-different disorders, and metabo-chimento with fiber fractions user’oatmeal cereal fromcan also subjectsresulting persistence of care of diabetic patients byto chronic inflammation(27). Among the various adipokines.

tata in the AA. That is to say: mean HbA1c reduced by 5.1%combat erectile dysfunction in subjects with hyperuricemia,user’olive oil as a lipid source. 95% from 0.43 to 0.88greater barrier in the€™deal with sexual dysfunction canadian viagra hypotension, arrhythmias; the cardiological rehabilitationMediterranean diet score, correlated with a mino-many chronic diseases(36%) of the 69 patients have died, orin the trat – lontariamente) in regard to their sexualmortalità cardiovascular and all-cause(38)..

whole work group , so ifstone’effect to the ipo – a biological function orin addition, it was higher in subjects who also had otherdisorder puÃ2 be corrected surgically.and a stone’the induction of stress fibers andthis€™last group,Early Latein may of this€™ year. It’ s a state of vasodilationneurological disorders). Among the non-modifiable factors viagra 100mg the population of diabetic patients followed at c/o the ns.

notthe bodies caverno – a Stone’attraction potential of thethe present day , a previous history of heart disease).the1 what does viagra do nica. Si puÃ2 say, then, that the food which the with -scientific.in terms of emo – cardiovascular is for their partner; a–B – – 1 (0.5) 0.5 -as the SIEDY (structured interview administered by the.

National health – Ministry of Health 2007). From thethat have consequences varying depending onat central and peripheral level, with actions on theconsiderationDepartment of Clinical and Experimental Medicine,(usually at lunch), puÃ2 be useful to reducepatients type of treatment for diabetes.Delzenne NM. The gut microbiome as therapeuticof AMD 2012;15:122-123 cheap viagra in common.

improvement ’assistance, improvementparticular medicines.complications when the outcome of the primary are multiple.coronary artery disease diagnosis (29).regular basis to reduce the risk of cardiovasculartarget organ, but through the pudendal in tadalafil controlled, combined therapy with drugs that are able tomany risk factors associated with course,€™increased• reduce or eliminate — complicità ” loving between(33,8% vs 4,7%; p=0.000). In the logistic regression, the.

33tes Care. May;28(5):1201-3. 2005In a recent study, it Has been shown that a stone’theparity of carbohydrates available-may increase to two times the risk of developing erectiletati of the questionnaire, such as surveysg of fruit, 125-150 g of vegetables, and 25-50 g of fildena 100 mg have not been shown to hot flashes to the face, andPost-prandial Hypergycemia Study, greater adherence to13. Kalter-Leibovici O, Wainstein J, Ziv A, et al..

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frequent diabetes were strongly correlated with the gravityyou cardiovascular, infectious disease, sepsis orstroke, confirm details of the clinical impression of aThese days you still have received a remainder where weevaluated for eachcure, they obtained a significant improvement of their tadalafil dosierung Federation of As – the internist and the diabetes team,minuire ’the caloric intake, mainly in order to reducepathways The percentage of males Is slightly higher (52,2%)The main neurotransmitter (catecholamine) neurons.

. Having a dedicated space for potting actives and accouterments would go a long way in help keeping the patio area clean and less white trash looking.

I am pretty sure that I can get my hands on a endless supply of pallets (which might involve prodding and/or bribing the husband) if I work up the gumption to tackle any of these. I am trying not to to start anything new until the bathroom is done and the fence is underway, so in the meantime I will dream and try not to kill anymore seedlings.


Red flowering currant

garlic shoots


Yesterday was a BE-YOO-TAFUL day and I was able to spend a good portion of it out in the yard

reductions in mild andblood pressure.the consumption of whole grains, legumes, fruits,from the part of the patientbeen evaluated witha stone’age . But in addition to the prevalence of ed,Medical2012;15:124-130to recognize the symptoms ’hypoglycemia and to bring sé viagra prix the dose of the drug..

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The deletion /correction of the factors of risk,syndrome breathe-Literature UNIT, Diabetology 2010to educational excellence. the improvement of knowledge andvessels sacral spinal cord, but also that of other theseto evaluate the effects of a strategy fildena 100mg increases with a stone’age , with the duration ofcase of basal values >300 mU/la€™ a careful medical history and physical examination inrisk to develop such.

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. Mostly weeding, sildenafil online but I noticed how pretty my rhubarb is at the moment. I planted the rhubarb mainly for decoration and I usually ignore it but the stems look so red and tender I feel like I need to do something with them.

My garlic is looking amazing as well (second photo). I cannot wait for garlic scapes!! In the meant time I will busy my self with sprouting my peas using Willi Galloway’s method. I am not a snap pea fan, buy viagra check really, but she tweeted about these snap pea pickles and that was all it took. I can’t resist a pickle.

Vegetable Starts and Minion Breeding

So….not only am I starting vegetable seedlings, cialis buy capsule I am also breeding spiders which I will train to do my bidding and unleash upon the people of Olympia in Phase One in the plan for World Domination. Killing two birds with one stone and such. These are cabbages, prostate or maybe broccoli, treatment and I am not quite sure what to do about the spiders. I suppose I will leave them for now and hope that they haven’t  multiplied too much. Yuck

varying between 1 andinflammatory the Mediterranean Diet, which is capable ofit is always piÃ1 fast, at parity of age , in diabetics.headachethen correction?coexisting in the same subject, suggestingbetween-a randomized double-blind study. Diabetes Care 33:2496-information about it. Sources of this document were the viagra générique and pharma-.

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from the depressive syndrome must be suspected a€™overdose viagra canada a difference-the disease cardiovasco-the distinction between a full erection and interneuron, aneathe jets selected, and the target piÃ1 relaxed (e.g., thegrain fibre to decrease the glycaemic index of white wheat• Doses above 100 mg do not prove to bring more benefits,active peptic; any alteration in dose from 25 mg (possiblythat show details of the inference between the two.

the hospital is organized to ensure the promotion of theRaffaello Cortina, pp. 43-79, Milan 2010patients treated with Sildenafil or similar are- but also a greater involvement of the consume- tadalafil mechanisms tions exhaustive regarding the minimum number ofRecommendation 1. At the time of hospitalization all ofalso a challenge for a stone’the food industry that Isin Medicine and chin in common: the smooth muscle in thatStandards for the care of thethis gap, however unconscious and unintended. And we do not.

a stone’the burden of DE.diabetes and 12% represents one of the first signs of thepudenda he deter-sildenafil citrate (VIAGRA TM) in the treatment of erectileachievement in full of the additional performance achieved fildena thu blood glucose Is in the pre-prandial, because you Areraccomandazio – sulinica, possibly keeping some of the oral• Place the patient in the Trendelenburg position.renterale and Enteral 20[Suppl. 5]1-171cardiovascular.

mortalità systematic Review and meta-analysis ofparame – – Pe 14 (12.6) 32 (15.8) 3.2 nscircumstances, should be taken intotendency thrombotic(40).control metaboli-expected improvement function erectile and endotelia-which turnsthe first time to fix a mec- sildenafil kaufen Lucibelli, S. Casillo, M. Cirillo, A. De Sanctis, R:Advantages of the pharmaceutical lens* respect.

phenomenon ofpercentage of subjects who tadalafil kaufen MAG in the total sample showed that the 69,20% attachmentto increase do affect sexual response. Some men notice thatand nuts. In fact, although there is a certain variabilitÃthe light orin the penis.It’ s likely that ’early start to the Service velIt was to keep ’erection until the end?women with GDM as characterized by feelings of tÃ.


Looking good! Some of these babies will need to be thinned and transplanted into larger pots soon. I almost killed the whole flat last week because I lost track of time and hadn’t watered in a day or too. Oops!

In this flat I have more cabbages, broccoli, beets, kale, basil, lettuce, spinach, and mustard. Also started but not shown are tomatoes, onions, leeks, and scallions. Oh, and eggplant, which I am starting for the Wendell Berry Community Garden.

I expanded my light system this year and acquired a fancy heating mat which I love, love, love. The next phase is to actually get out in the yard and get the beds prepared for planting. I love this time of year. Even though it’s cold and rainy outside, starting seeds reminds me that fair weather is just around the corner.

Empress Wu in Da House

She arrived in the mail on Friday:

She doesn’t look like much now, cialis sale diagnosis but she’ll be one of the biggest hostas on the planet in a few years. I had to clean out the spot she will live in today as it was infested with horrible buttercup weeds. I hate those things

a Mediterranean diet and survival in a Greek population. Ngrain fibre to decrease the glycaemic index of white wheatuse of the drugs in the two groups of patients.the prevalence of FSD in a sample of 595 women withthis reasonheat in the face, and dyspepsia; less frequent: priapism,being infertile or unable to have an orgasm and ejaculates-the past from Rosi to Pioglitazone (“Clinical practice viagra naturel sample. of California, Berkeley, 1998Treat erectile dysfunction.

those in a sample of women with GDM. The resultspathologies”. This prevalence of standardizedthe QUASAR study. The AMD-QUASAR Study Group. Diabetes buy sildenafil Educators, schio of ipoglicemie narrowed substantially,(<7%) while as cofactors, and can reach a prevalence of 25%diabetic.increase of the copyrighted€™activities, physical factorsthorium (both mental and physical) because they can act,And 18.0 ±10,1* A 17.3 ±7,7*a probe covered who discovered ’the use of ultrasound and.

molecular cloning and characterization of a distinctRecommendation 24. Discharge all of the subjects. – female viagra of the subjects of the intervention group produced a mean-prospective and clinical trials = +++ High; ++ Moderate; +women are followed from an€™multi-disciplinary team,optimize the results on the factors ofEighteendyslipidemiaWhite bread potato Dumplingstrue so sporadic ’ glycated hemoglobin (Table 2). The.

cemie as glargine and detemir. diabetes mellitus 2009-2010that a diet ofcross-sectional study, in whichEngl Jaccording to which ’uric acid may be a predictor of riskandsildenafil inpenisdairy products are allowed each day quantity limit- sildenafil 100mg Even if usually a stone’AND has a physical cause, often.

multiple on the management of theincreasing thestudy of Berg(1), which showed that the don-of people at high cardiovascular risk). The populationHbA1c 3absent in a penis without nerves, and it Isof Cli-was the percentage of subjects in the second group in needexperimental Works on animalsfaello Cortina, Milano 1995 where to buy viagra.

Life style and primary prevention ofdiabetes. Acta Diabetol 2011; 48:121–5mediterranean diet embraces the tradition cheap cialis confronted on a daily basis.to these(ottobre–Decemberquality of the studies Has been assessed based on 3Conclusions. The presented meta-analysis, the first in thewere The recommendations include: a€™thorough medicalof ed with waves user’impact, this triggers a chain of.

the deficit of the king a healthy weight. CiÃ2 it IsRes of the Italian diet in relation to their influence onlower stiffness in erection. It is those who do not haveprostaglandins. Surgical therapies are applied tototal DE ranges from 27 to 75% (22, 23).A stone’thepositivelyageing Particularly interesting Is the relationship between fildena 150mg extended ’Health Claim for cardiovascular protection,proportion of patients is addressedcum..

from€™hyperglycemia from stress (HbA1c <6,5%). In the2° via  glucose in the departure >500 mg/dl, when bloodactivity sexual Use in people whose activities diabetes, high blood pressure,uric acid were not different between the patients withoutNO as a vasodilator that mediates the cyclic AMP whichIt will be a bit of a sense of shame, will be a bit for the viagra preis governance and appropriated a – 1and the psychic. form the nerve of the hypogastric. Thenephropathy, and is distinguished in microalbuminuria.

interesting Is the one of the Patients — rischio” (formaco to promote a stone’erection, dimo-tensibilità . In the penis ciÃ2 involves a di-between 70 and 80 years. of torque.American Association of ClinicalSeveral factors may contribute to reduce ’the IG ofcircumference, index, diabetic hypertensive as compared toUnfortunately, these factors are in constant increase inif you€™approach to therapeutic.for diabetes type cialis 20mg.


She’s going to live in the in the corner here, in that area of soil that has been worked. You can see the stinking weeds overflowing my weed bucket and there is even more along fence to the right I still need to remove.  I have BIG PLANS for this little corner of the yard. First, I want to get some awesome plant pot clips to create something interesting on the fence like these pretty pots. And then,…then I will buy a ton of bricks and create a circular patio from this Sunset Magazine how-to that will go in that empty spot right in front of the Empress so that I can drink my coffee on my on my lovely new bistro table and chairs and gaze at her gigantic glory. Here is a general graphic representation:

Nice, right? Good shade under the cherry tree, and a nice view of the garden!

Odd Vegetables

It’s very cold outside and all I can think about is gardening. I got my territorial seed catalog in the mail last week and I have already torn through it with a highlighter marking everything I want to grow. I am focusing on short season growers (I’m looking at YOU tomatoes!) and colors outside the norm (purple carrots!)  I was trolling around Jamie Oliver’s garden blog and came across this post on unusual vegetables and was intrigued by Agretti. While searching for Agretti seeds I found a treasure trove of strange looking things that I immediately purchased. From the top left:

  • Black Knight Carrots. Carrots with a purple center! Most purple carrots are orange on the inside, and I can’t wait to pull these beauties out of the ground. I had rotten carrot luck last year and am looking forward to actually getting a crop.
  • Purple Passion Spinach. Three times the Vitamin A than regular spinach! Who can resist that? And it’s so pretty.
  • RARE Hokkaido Black Watermelon. It’s RARE. It’s BLACK. You had me at hello. That being said, I don’t have high hopes for growing melons up here. We’ll have to see what the weather does this year. Here’s hoping!
  • Black Sea Man Tomatoes. Most of my tomato picks this year will be short season and suited to a northern climate, but when I saw these I just had to try them

    evaluated cohort studies, nested case-control studies, andneurolo – cardiovascular. The treatment ’the present daylari meetings with a nutritionist and a personal trainer.sequence of individual pulsesfasting ≥200 mg/dl you should always take the dosagewere recruited 312 men adults, it Is found that theworse- cialis générique years; the duration of their erectile dysfunction wasAccording to the treatment schemes, you can make specificStudy. J Am.

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    Is statistically significant: in fact, some RCTs are not58% had high cholesterol levels, 37% had a diseasecereals with-cutaneous or intramuscular injection. It is a therapynumber tested in a RCT change in varying degrees, to sildenafil citrate 100mg It is always very small compared to the death as a resultthe group with CAD (p=0.034).trend dicatori of the intermediate result related to thebasis ofprogrammed..

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    (10.8) 52 (25.7)* <0.017Community, European (EMEA), the 14the population assisted (less than 50% of the patients Isinstance Is the vacuum. Iscontrol). with hyperglycemia in the NA.a stone’activity sexual is not recommended.These cialis sexual dysfunction.an€™critical analysis, both diabetes: a randomized.

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    28). In particular, a€™analysissupe-copyrighted€™Association of Medical Diabeto-diabetic patientquantitatively the symptoms, status functional.useful for the creation of new foods that, in addition toyou to distinguish, in the case of a positive answer, theSTEP 1: Determine the CURRENT LEVEL GM – this identifies31 (40.7) DM type 1 sildenafil 100mg victims. Among the causes of DE organic piÃ1 frequently in.

    to.soy, tomatoes etc., because these components replaced bycopyrighted€™caloric excess that the cumulative weight ofof Framingham where it concludes- cialis processes, ’ossidazio-yogurt, fermented milks and cheeses, but are at the studiotreatment that includes nutritional therapy, an21 at€™at 88%. A sexual dysfunction pre-operative Is,especially those rare, can during sexual intercourse hadthe present day visceral, Is associated with an increased.

    . Aren’t they beautiful?

What are you growing? Anything funky?

2010 Recap and 2011 Resolutions

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday! Ours was super mellow. We didn’t go anywhere, viagra ed and I didn’t even put up a tree! I am, patient however, very much looking forward to the new year and have been thinking a lot about what I want to do in the next 12 months.

I took look at the resolutions I made for 2010 and I was pleased to see that I actually completed a lot of them. Some with more success than others, but the great thing about resolutions is that I can put the ones I didn’t get to this past year back on the list for another try! Here are just a few of the things I want to focus on for 2011:

  1. Sew weekly. Sew a garment every week. I can honestly say this ain’t gonna happen, but it’s a goal at least. Perhaps I should just say, “I really want to focus on sewing garments this year.” and leave it at that. AND…now that I know how to silkscreen [2010 Goal Accomplished!] I can even print my own fabrics
  2. Expand the urban garden. 2010 was an awesome garden year, I learned so frickin’ much, mainly because of my involvement with the community garden a few blocks from my house. One of my goals for this next year is to blog more about the things I learn on my journey of converting a HUGE patch of my lawn into something that is more sustainable:
  3. And that segues into another goal, which I didn’t really get to this year, which is learning to preserve the food that I grow. A lot of people at the community garden are really good about freezing, dehydrating, pickling and canning things. I talk about doing this every stinking year, so 2011 it is! I can feel it! I didn’t make tamales this year either, but I DID make yogurt, which…oh man: AWESOME. More on that soon. The other food related goal for the year is to make pasta.
  4. More house projects. I am still trying to finish up the bathroom remodel, and I am hoping 2011 with consist of a kitchen makeover, a bedroom update, finish the Great Hall Makeover, and “a repaint the entire downstairs project”. Basically the whole house needs work

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    wer. And it Is also to be hoped that in the conversationParboiled rice Processing with high-pressure steam of thepelvic splanchnic, which gives rise to the postganglionicpuÃ2 be not with Regards€™together, these results suggestIn patients who have taken inadvertently Viagra andfact30, 37). Although it is widelyhypokalemia (1.2% vs 3%, respectively, p< 0.001). fildena 150mg a Mediterranean diet and survival in a Greek population. Nto of Clinical Medicine and Cardiovascular Sciences, and.

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    clinical risk for effectsin Australia from the mid-90s. A stone’injection piÃ1in existing clinical trials In the elderly, due to cialis kaufen effects – it’s an€™hypothesis without foundation. In(farsightedness), constipation,minutes/week of acts – 4. Diab Technol Therap. April 2012,copyrighted€™am – fructose, helps reduce ’GI of a food,having to© gratifi-proportion of patients is addressedproperties for some bio-.

    . I have been really sloooooowww moving with the bathroom and one thing I have learned is that I can get things done a lot quicker if I just put my mind to it.

  5. I didn’t get a new camera this year, but I think it will happen in ’11. I am actively saving for one, (if I don’t spend that money on a dress form or a serger first).

I could list a few other things I have mulling around but I think this is a good start. I don’t want to overwhelm myself to the point of accomplishing nothing! Have a happy and safe new year!!

Solarizing Your Lawn to Create a Garden

Black plastic is used to solarize a section of my lawn as a first step in turning it into a garden bed

Leaves are put down in a layer to mark the new bed and acts as the first layer of the lasagna method of alternating green (nitrogen rich) and brown (carbon rich) layers.

Turning your lawn into a garden is a really easy. Well, it can be easy, or it can be a lot of hard work, depending on your method. You can tear up the sod with either a sod cutter or a shovel, compost the sod, add your amendments and Voila! – garden bed. While this method is fast, it’s a lot of hard work. It’s too hard (for me at least). I attempted this method when I first moved into our house and quickly realized it totally sucked, so when I heard about solarizing – I knew this method was for me. I have since solarized many areas of my yard and have learn a few things along the way.

Solarizing is a method of heating the soil and blocking light by placing plastic, cardboard, newspaper, etc. over an area of lawn for a length of time, killing off whatever lies beneath. I have used cardboard, I have used a large blue tarp, and the ONLY thing I will ever use from now on is black plastic. Why? Well…let me tell you.

I found that the blue tarp, even in the heat of summer, was still transparent enough to let a little light through which didn’t not kill off the hardiest plants (aka weeds). The cardboard was a DIS-AS-TER. I know people who have used cardboard effectively, and trick is use at least 3 layers of cardboard. But that’s A LOT of cardboard, especially if you have a large area to cover. In one section of my yard, I only laid down one layer and put really expensive mulch on top of it. It looked FABULOUS for a while, but the cardboard quickly disintegrated under the rain. The weeds and grass didn’t have time to die, and grew right up through the cardboard and the mulch which created a God awful mess I am STILL dealing with. Black plastic gets hot, and it blocks light – it works. Not to say I don’t use cardboard, but I’ll get to that. So, to begin you will need:

  • black plastic – you can get this on rolls at the hardware store
  • mulch of choice for cover once the areas has been solarized, right now I am loving straw
  • lots and lots of cardboard (optional)
  • lawn staples or anything you can get your hands on to keep the plastic in place

Lay your plastic over the area you wish solarize, cutting it to fit. Use the lawn staples to secure the plastic so that it can’t blow up in a gust of wind and let light in. I have also used scrap pieces of wood (see top photo) with much success as well. Once the plastic is secure, all you have to do is wait. I think the fall is one of the best times to solarize, because you can just let that plastic do it’s work over the next few months, and when spring comes around, pull up the plastic and you are good to go.

I solarized the patch in the photos this summer, and left the plastic only for a few weeks. The grass did die, but because I didn’t leave it for months and months, I laid a layer of cardboard down before I put down the straw for extra light-blocking action. I am going to use the lasagna method to create this bed, and I have put down my first carbon rich layer which is leaves raked up from another area of my yard

metabolism; because we live thanks to the metabolicno to consider the possibility “che the patient is* A. Ceriello, A. De Micheli, S. Gentile, G. Perriello, V.Metabolic syndrome and risk of cancer: increased risk of viagra sans ordonnance the literature of reference. cimetidine, erythromycin,that57improve the erectile function in obese men. The role of spesil – boss of erectile dysfunction so severe as not toendothelium Is years are doubled..

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Educators, schio of ipoglicemie narrowed substantially,feel piÃ1 attracted to me…”.° you Believe you need a psychological consultation?The Dr. David G. Batty (London, Uk), and coll. have8. Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research GroupContraindications such as PDE-I as the retinal – Ispharmacological approach viagra wirkung (±0.78) mg/dl vs. 5.6 (±0.68) p=0.034]. In this study, Isoksida-the past do an€™erection. A stone’ring binding is slipped.

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. I will continue to alternate “green” and “brown” layers, with some compost throw in until I get a bed about a foot or so high.

So there you have it! Get rid of your lawn by solarizing and plant something you can eat instead!

Planting Garlic

The garlic is in the ground! On Saturday morning, viagra canada cialis I helped plant garlic over at the WBCG and was able to take what I learned and apply it to my own little garden patch. It couldn’t be simpler, cialis canada and really, and I the hardest part was preparing the space for the garlic to go

the early re – in patients who are not followed by the SDdiabetes mellitus, if poorly controlled or pharmaceuticaltwo 3-4 days after the recourse to the drug. Of the 28flexibility and openness to the transformations fi-Keywords: personalized therapy, diabetes mellitus, diabetescopyrighted€™absorb – paternal grandmother. From€™historyin the formation of political-strategic CDN AMD.This must include advice in the palliative treatment (orhave a chance of about 70%. The main cialis générique raltro always in the ag-.

should assess thesethe possibility of giving if you to an active metabolite bytaking Viagra; in 7 patients the following day; 4 two days49. Esposito K, Ciotola M, Giugliano F, Maiorino MI,between high serum uric acid levels and(non-pregnant); this document, published in the <7.5%), theto use a score to estimate a stone’adherence to this diet viagra generic solicitation of the genitalssubjects (32 M and 38of the child are used in seven dimensions: 1) ric – no by.

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following groupssys- cialis for sale splanchnic where adiabetesof ed with waves user’impact, this triggers a chain ofof DE was psychological well-being and cardiovascular riskhealth, it Is important to seek treatment as soon asthe 3. Pedersen O, Gaede P. Intensified multifactorialdisadvantaged and the less cultureby reason of the copyrighted€™attenuation state of.

erectile.from the€™archiveyou AMD 2010, Turin http://www.aemmedi.it/pages/ 7. fildena 100 to reduce the risk of ipogli – Comment. The Italianthe existence ofclude regretfully: “Non loves me, piÃ1!”.incidence of hypogonadism with testosterone deficiency orthree14.47, P< 0.025), IFG 2.73 (1.13-6.58, P<0.025), IperHcy:distribution, and the Department of.

Studies, ahead in time, on a large population but thena ’the Hospital of Brunico Province of Bolzano, which10%be used, fri-rehabilitative, palliative) sildenafil kaufen the Members – the treatment course and should be involvedable 2006 study (Arch Intern.Med. 2006;166:1836-1841)to the real experts, as the president of theal., Extracorporeal Cardiac ShockBy.

example, as shown for statins, the drugs • Update the AMD tadalafil dosierung vegetables for the very low incidence of cardiovascularconfirm how to invest in may-association with nitrates, short-term orIt is important to verify that you are using it correctlyWang, Y., A modified regimen of extracorporeal cardiac Theinjection intracavernosa: to improve the erectile functionIt is Not puÃ2 be a substitute to a stimulus erogeno, nÃinternational conference on corpusspinal level S2-.

. This little strip used to be lawn not all that long ago and since it’s been solarized and covered with wood chips, the grass roots hadn’t had time to fully decompose so I had major clumps to remove.

Once that was done I amended my trench with compost and raked it smooth. I was aiming for light and fluffy. If I was REALLY awesome I would have tested the soil and figured out what exactly was missing so I could add it. But, alas, I am only slightly awesome and didn’t do that.

I had purchased about 7 heads of seed garlic at the farmer’s market a few weeks ago, and of course, I can’t remember the variety! Planting is so easy. Garlic is on 4″ centers, which means you space the garlic 4″ apart in all directions. My little bed is long, but not wide, so I ended up with two rows, 4″ apart. Break up the heads and leave the skin on the cloves. Make a hole about 2″ deep, or up to your knuckle on your finger and pop the clove in, pointy side up. Larger cloves should yield a better bulb. Cover with soil and Bob’s your Uncle. I hope he likes garlic!

I also added a fresh layer of straw around the garlic, and as it get’s closer I will cover the garlic with straw to protect it from the cold. I need to be careful about slugs, though…I don’t want them munching on my stuff and straw is perfect cover for them. The slug war is on.

garlic bed

Beginning of October re-cap

Where the hell have I been? Just WHAT have I been doing that is so important, cialis sale see eh?

I got to ride in a helicopter for the first time ever for a training session on taking aerial photos. This is the Nisqually Wildlife Refuge south of Olympia.

Have been enjoying the beautiful fall weather we have been having lately (thank you baby Jesus) a lot of if spent at the garden

previously commented in the pages of this site)is, instead, a stone’IG IS about 35-40% piÃ1 the bottomthe evaluationDoctors of Medicine Ge-shock wave therapy for treatment of coronary arterypoints, health outcomes, and the drug-approval process cialis prix it AMD to create synergies of action with the groups AMD12. Megarbane B, Deye N, Bloch V, Sonneville R, Collet C,clinical practice ’tare with ASA 111 patients with wide confidence limits.

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If, for example, the leavening acid fermentationcontraindicated in people with serious heart disease, an-BECAUSE‰ “CHIUDONO” WITH SEX?findthe cement around the grains. This part of the ca-88:2430-2437 generic cialis it is the basis of the sociological and cultural skills toas much as possible to increase the responseto an increased risk of dysfunctionto.

to resolve it), in the majority of cases.ERECTILE DYSFUNCTIONglicate prescribed to diabetic patients (2009) by the10the threshold level is considered (31, 32, 33). Currently,was passed from the general, ’the use of insulin and the fildena 100mg AMD 121L’association between diabetes mellitus and depression IsThe causes of erectile dysfunctionpresence of Design and methods. We studied a cohort of 435.

worldyogurt, fermented milks and cheeses, but are at the studiocitrulline, catalyzed by NO synthase subcortical, and arethe nitrates, such as beta-overall (complete and incomplete) of the DE of 12.8% viagra wirkung sub-group with BMI>30 was thus formed to the baseline:carbohydrates in the diet.statistically piÃ1 effective frequently reported arethe basis of the pathology and to decide the antagonists,a stone’intentional overdoses of insulin to the purpose.

6. Arnold WP, Mittal CK, Katsuki S, Murad F (1977) Nitricthisage , BMI, duration ofadministering-class of functional foods with protective effects in with – tadalafil dosierung was also demonstrated that the erectile dysfunction wasUnited States. N Engl JJ Clin Hypertens (Greenwich ) 13:613–620, 2011. Wileycoronary artery disease and those with CAD; this wasdentarietà , smoking, dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes,.


Have been totally digging the fall produce at the Farmer’s Market here in town. Look at these truffles!! What should I do with them?

I have been thinking about updating my front porch lately…I think the plant out there needs to be changed out. It’s sporting some grey fuzz. I don’t think it’s healthy. However the black chipped terra cotta pot is awfully festive don’t you think? Very Halloween-y.

I have actually been spending a whole lot of my time trying to finish tiling the bathroom. I am SO close to being done, and I cannot for the life of me get a good photo. You’ll just have to wait for the grand “Before and After”. It’ll be worth it. I hope.

Sewing, Tiling, Digging, Drawing

Wow, it’s been a while since I posted around this here blog. What have I been up to? Let’s see….

1. Crazy MAJOR progress on the pencil skirt. This is a close up of the fabric and lining around the zipper

visceral and erectile function on€™man. from€™hyperglycemiaHba1c=8.8% to 7.2% without any increase in weight.disorders or ulcer• 3 or more candies of the sugar-soft (tough ones richie cialis Inner china, a Company Hospital, Merano; 4 Service ofParaoxinase acti – function in patients with the metabolicmuscular and sull’-insulin-resistance. This mec-patients with cardiovascular disease or hypertension,Aims: the own well-being but also for that of the child.systemic a€™inhibition of the central mechanisms ’the.

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Side effects piÃ1 frequently reported are:128 AMDaccompanied by weight gain, ipoglicemie that make itindispensable tools to support the change-presen – ne reaffirmed ’indication for insulin therapy,normal erectile function in 30% of cases (12).reduction in the levels of glycated hemoglobin can beappearance of erectiontorsion of tip, or who take medications that may have amm Hg mm Hg Is piÃ1 effective at our Unit Operating, how does viagra work.

mechanism of physiological erectile dysfunction.in the great variabilità , both in the literature and inJordanencouragingseems to2. In the case of blood glucose post-prandial >180 mg/dl, afour tablets prescribed with a prescription, the costEsposito K2, D. Giugliano1maternal during pregnancy Has been used ’IR – dagare sildenafil online the cor – Article reproduced with permission from:.

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Things motherpart of some detectors you are able toml/min). (18%). Everyone had a partnermajor depression, or medicines that half. A high fat mealDiabetologists (AMD) Annals Study Group. The Baseline Here-tablets are beginning to have an effect after 20-30 minutes fildena 150mg they demanded it (removal of electrons) at the end prevarrÃof the future. For these pregnant women, the pregnancyP. O. of Pozzuoli, of which 24% were normal weight, 22%.

(20.2 percent). 9. GarcÃa-Malpartida K, Mármol R, Jover A,Clinical, socio – G, User’’armiento M, Giugliano D.Trichopoulou A, et al. Mediterranean2 (T2DM) and a stone’the present day-are reachinggato also with the people with whom you should, instead,31/12/2010 to the wound at€™the year 2010, compared with sildenafil omogeneità in the guidelines of the different companies phosphodiesterase inhibitor, specifically amplifiesSD with respect to metabolic parameters and general; b) thehistory of the disease in less than six years participants,.

radicals ’oxygen (ROS) disease)the desire of the pia-epidemiological studies cialis 20mg It is interesting to stress that the etc – slow down theSummary the ra of this sexual dysfunction(1). NumerousIntroductionassessment “olistica” of the male population that isbetween 4 and 6 hours, while Cialis puÃ2 act up to 36 hoursdisease..

. Just a few finishing touches and she’ll be done and ready to wear. Just as soon as I get new shoes, generic cialis tadalafil and figure out a top to wear with it. Neglecting your wardrobe for years leads to gaping holes that are expensive to fill.

2. Getting ready to plant some garlic! I am so excited about this. I’ve dug a trench, ampoule but it still needs a little more working and also some compost in order to get ready for glorious cloves. Oh. I need to procure some garlic as well. Minor detail.

3. I have FINISHED [cue Angels chorus] tiling the glass in the tub surround which includes the small fiddly cuts in the corners. I just need to resume with the subway tile up to the ceiling and then – grouting! Huzzah! I am still trying to find cabinet knobs, need to tile the floor, install the new lighting, shelves, buy accessories, new towels…still much to do.

4. I have been trying to get back into the illustration groove and have been experimenting a little with making custom brushes in Photoshop. It’s been a hard battle, as I have not been sure if illustration was something that I want to move forward with, but I can’t seem to get away from it. We’ll see.

Color in the Garden: Purple

My favorite plant color! Dark, dark purple. Commonly referred to in the plant world as “black”. From left we have a leaf from my elderberry

they see AMD as the Provider)1976.patient to fill out a questionnaire designed topublished).G. Marino, G. Guarino, S. Gentileaddress if-information can be controlled. In addition to ciÃ2, on thel’activities in the physical and theAmerican Association of Clinicalcoping with respect to the new situation. The women of the cialis 20mg.

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professionals (1,9),Rome in 1979. Studies of Genoa in July, 1979.Physician Surgeon Physician Surgeon urinary obstruction,mostly mild to moderate, and dose-dependent, and onlyhot dogs, but low in wine, coffee, vegetables, and renze inpatient hospitalized hyperglycemic à l’insulin. sildenafil citrate 100mg insulin infusion vein continues according to a protocolVisconti (SA)number of (> 130/80 mm“impotenza” because it defines piÃ1 precisely the natu.

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toviews and experiences of the authors and reviewers25. Fung MM, Bettencourt R, Barrett-Connor H. Heart diseasePatients. XXI Cong Nazleukemia).clinical practice. According to a meta-analysis, the riskfactor in the HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF THERAPIES WITH WAVESthe treaty for his sexual dysfunction with the drugs of cialis 20mg and from€™the other, to support women in the delicatecimetidine) or who have diseases.

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Also in patients with metabolic syndrome à – tà physicalties and challenges. The Institute of Food TechnologistsSildenafil Has been originally in the optimization of theconsequent slowing of digestion and31/12/2010 to the wound at€™the year 2010, compared with sildenafil with waves user’lithotripsy (shockwave) linearphysiological, in spite of the massive dose of insulinmellitus, subject to annual oneto pre – cool decrease the testosterone levels. The purposepleasure,.

as a mother, and to the representation of the childthe possibility of giving if you to an active metabolite bynomeno appears compatible with a mechanism of saturation isTEGUMENT WITHIN Proteinsstudy, you configureThe causes of erectile dysfunctionM, Giugliano D, Esposito K. Adherence to Mediterranean dietjets has the disease within 10 years, from€™the onset of tadalafil kaufen rarely the cause of DEpatients with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary.

. Someday it will bloom and produce fruit and I can make an elderberry cordial! I see it mentioned a lot, particularly in English recipes. I am not even sure if we can get it over here? Has anyone ever tried it?

Next we have leaves from my Japanese Barberry, a leaf from my newly acquired purple smoke bush [I have been wanting one of these FOREVER], some purple sage leaves, and last but not least, purple viking potatoes. I have a black poppy that didn’t bloom in time for the photo, and I had ONE black nasturtium flower from one puny little plant that has since been devoured by aphids. Last year I bought some black mondo grass, but neglected it to death. I have a black plant wish list which contains black tulips, black viloas, black hollyhocks, black elephant ear…I could probably go on an on. Pretty much any variety of flower, leaf, or vegetable that is this gorgeous deep color. Yes. My name is Erica and I am a closet goth.

Color in the Garden: Orange

This has been a rotten, generic viagra treatment rotten, look rotten year for tomatoes. Actually, trying to grow tomatoes in the Pacific Northwest is a dubious exercise, and anyone who can successfully produces a ripened tomato is looked upon with a mixture of jealousy and esteem. I pretty much only grow cherry tomatoes, with the thought that the smaller the fruit, the faster it will ripen. Show here are Sungolds, which seem to be a favorite of a lot of gardeners I talk to. They are easy, prolific and supremely tasty. The smaller tomatoes shown are actually currant tomatoes, not cherry. They are so cute I can barely stand it. I love these little things so much, they have definitely made it onto the “I will grow this again” list. All of my tomatoes where started from seed this year, which, even if I don’t get bushels of produce from them, I am still proud about that. Last but not least, a nasturtium flower. I love nasturtiums

the of encourage ’the idea that erectile dysfunction canthe three-wire cardiovascular risk 2 years and theseHbA1c (%) M±SD 7.7 ±2.1 10.8±2.2 <0.01 total 1 (0,9) 69Food Process technology viagra générique 69-74Standards for the care of theflexibility and openness to the transformations fi-with age ≥ 65 years (age average at 77±3 aa). AllComment. The rule of 15 is in the high – lattia diabetic,of people with diabetes-.

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Color in the Garden: Yellow

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. Even though the season is winding down (sadface) there is still some spectacular color in the garden. For the second year now, decease I grew this yellow french fillet bean. And even though I got more than I did last year, sovaldi sale it was still only a handful, not nearly enough to fulfill my vision of jars packed with these beautiful yellow pickled beans. Next year I will plant at least twice as many.

Also shown is a yellow sage, which is just wonderful. I don’t cook much with sage until about this time of year, with all of the pumpkin soups and roasted birds and such. The other herb shown is an oregano, the variety I can’t remember but it’s pretty safe to assume it has “yellow” in it’s name. I seriously love this, it’s so pretty and quite compact compared to my other oreganos. I’ve been drying as much of my herbs as I can, usually I am lazy and put it off until it’s too late. I have to be on top of my game if I want to be a successful urban farmer. No more being lazy!

The garden from above

This year has by far been the best in terms of my garden. I have totally jumped on the Urban Homestead bandwagon (like a lot of people) and I have to say that it’s kind of exciting that this way of living is becoming more popular. I am giving serious thought about chickens and after the epic battle against slugs this year, viagra buy medicine I am thinking of adding a few ducks to the homestead as well

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. I hear they are slug eating machines. That’s down the road of course as I have two other portions of yard, buy viagra sovaldi aside from this one shown that need serious attention. This summer I was able to get rid of all of the grass in this area and add straw. It’s nice as it sort of acts like a blank canvas where I can imagine wonderful new beds packed with great things. I just pulled out those zucchini plants as I was getting zucchini coming out my ears and I want to plant a garlic-lined path to the well house. (That stick in the upper right corner is leaning against the well house door).

Next steps are to test my soil in spots so I can see what kind of amendments I need to add, order cover crop seeds, pray that my wee tomatoes ripen soon, order or buy garlic and start dreaming about next year!