Garden 2014
Oh boy, would ya just look at that mess?
A few months ago we had to take out three of my garden beds so that a truck could drive over them in order to get to our well house to replace our pump.
There is no recovering from being run over. What REALLY screwed me is that I got all lazy with not mulching and…well…WEEDS. Jefe’s been wanting to put a yurt or something over on that plot for his man-cave escape and I’ve been all like “No!! That’s my garden!” but now I’m all like “Dude. Yurt On.”
The issue is that I just cannot bring myself to even BEGIN to think about shoveling and wheel barreling more soil to replace those beds. It was SO hard the first time. Even though Jefe did a good portion of the work. I guess (and this is tough for me to admit) that section of the yard was probably not the best location for the garden. SIGH. Don’t tell anyone I admitted that though, okay? That’s just between us.
Once I get some new mulch put down it will look a lot better
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. I decided that I am going to plant the long-term-ish staple-type things like potatoes, < onions, garlic, and winter squash over in this section of the yard. I'm also toying around with the idea of growing some stuff in straw bales, tomatoes in particular.
I read somewhere once that your kitchen garden should be in a location that is close to your kitchen. (!) This is especially true for lazy people such as myself. So…with that in mind, I decided that most of the garden this year will be planted in what started out as my garden before I decided to move the garden.
Follow that?
The bonus is that the beds are already filled with soil and there is actually workable dirt in the areas that don’t have raised beds. I can dig a hole and plant something in it. I can’t do that over in the other (south) garden, as there is about a two foot layer of large pebbles/river stone which makes digging completely impossible, hence the raised beds.
Another thing I decided to do differently this year was not to start all of the vegetables under lights. This is mainly because our trip to Paris would have totally messed with that endeavor AND I lost the use of one of my closets in a spare bedroom. I purchased some starts this past weekend and am kicking the garden off with those.
I AM going to start some seeds indoors, mainly things that I can’t find at the Farmer’s Market. Like Celeriac.
In other yard news, I am meeting with a landscape designer today to have a discussion about hot mess that is the front yard.
I need some professional advice as this part of the yard is highly visible and I feel like I need help in figuring out how to deal with all the issues (like the septic tank!) I’m excited to see what she’ll come up with!
is your landscape person someone local? if you end up liking her, will you share her name? i need someone too.