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Glitter, glitter, everywhere…

Crafting for the Duck the Malls craft show this weekend has been all consuming. Particularly since this is my first craft show and I have no idea what to expect – or how many of each item to make

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. And….truth be told….I am a bit of a “last minute” kind of person so it’s going to be down to the wire.

As a consequence of all of crafting activity, viagra sales healing there is a fine dusting of glitter EVERYWHERE. Glitter on face (which I notice at work), viagra glitter on the husband, glitter on the cat…glitter! In the photo above I am holding a wee mushroom that has become a spun cotton mushroom ornament, via this Martha Stewart tutorial.  I will most definitely be making these again, all for myself. I love how they turned out. I’ll get a photo of the finished product to show you, before they are all sold out!

Fingers crossed.

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