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Links: Crafty Things for the Home

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  • It seems like I am needing a shelving unit in almost every room, and  while briefly flirting with the idea of getting something fabricated, I settled on the ole’ plumbing pipe solution. Then I got to thinking that it might be weird to have them EVERYWHERE so I am very much liking the idea of these industrial shelving units made from simple hardware store supplies.
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    . I want my cat hanging from the ceiling. Will it suck? And will she even use it? These are the questions. I mean, it’s macrame, so chances of suckage are pretty high…however, I am confident I can style it into the current decade. Added bonus: I recently found every macrame book ever published in the history of the world in a back room of Shipwreck Beads.

  • I think I found a solution to the brick wall/fireplace that must-not-be-painted:concrete stain. I am very excited about this.
  • Tier hanging pots. NOT macrame and I just happen to I have a perfect spot for it.

Happy Friday!

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